The team in the area of Urban Planning counsels in the planning, the discipline, the management and the urban execution, both to Public Administrations and private companies and individuals. Furthermore, we offer advice in the implementation of commercial, tourism and office centres, buildings and public equipment, among others.
In particular, we offer the following services:
- Elaboration and processing the instruments in the urban management:
- Project concerning urban distribution (reparcelling, compensation, etc.).
- Forced execution (individual valuations or in a whole).
- Elaboration and processing of urban planning and territorial instruments.
- Urban agreements concerning the urban planning and management.
- Elaboration of rules and legal reports.
- Programs of integrated or urban actions.
- Processing of authorisations and urban licenses.
- Implementation of estate projects.
- Compensation boards and conservation entities.
- Judiciary and pre-judiciary:
- Legal advice in dossier that protect the urban legality.
- Administrative procedures related with the approval of planning and urban management instruments and in relation with the refusal of licenses or the imposition of sanctions.
- Construction law.
- C/Roger de Llúria, nº 118, 2º
08037 Barcelona - Tel: (+34) 93 742 65 26
- Fax: (+34) 93 142 47 65
- barcelona@gayrosellsolano.com
- Pº Pintor Rosales 44, 2º Izq.
28008 Madrid - Tel: (+34) 91 576 10 01
- Fax:(+34) 91 577 77 63
- madrid@gayrosellsolano.com
- Rua Latino Coelho, nº 13-2º andar
1050-132 Lisboa ( Portugal) - Tel: (+351) 211 377 292
- Fax: (+351) 211 377 112
- lisboa@gayrosellsolano.com
Buenos Aires
- Av. Eduardo Madero 1020, piso 5º
1106 Buenos Aires (Argentina) - Tel: (+54) 11 4516-1500
- Fax: (+5411) 4312-4058
- buenosaires@gayrosellsolano.com