The GAY-ROSELL & SOLANO team has a multidisciplinary scope in the area, including experts in patents, brands and in the protection and exploitation of intellectual and industrial property assets, as well as the legal defence in affairs concerning the subject.
We offer full legal advice in matter related with the intellectual and industrial property, including the following services:
- Protection strategies development, industrial national and international property rights Register.
- Preparation, presentation and processing of competitions, remedies, expiration requests, nullity requests and restoration of rights requests.
- Representation of right owners in front of the Spanish Office of Patents and Brands (OEPM), the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO).
- Arbitration in front of the centre of immediacy and arbitration of WIPO.
- Investigation and research of previous brands; audit of intellectual property rights.
- Disputes concerning the brands, patents, designs and domain name in front of national courts and the European Court of Justice.
- Management of brands, patents, designs and domain names portfolios.
- Giving counsel in the negotiation and drafting of licence, of coexistence and of technology transfer contracts.
- Implementation and coordination in the customs supervision procedures.
- Procedures concerning the dispute solving in domain names matters.
- Licence contracts.
- Violation of industrial property rights on the Internet.
- Customs protection in front of the importation, exportation, release for free circulation, transit, deposit or submission to any other goods customs regime with the counterfeiting of the industrial or intellectual property rights.
- Know How.
- Joint Ventures.
- Transfer of technology.
- Copyright.
- C/Roger de Llúria, nº 118, 2º
08037 Barcelona - Tel: (+34) 93 742 65 26
- Fax: (+34) 93 142 47 65
- Pº Pintor Rosales 44, 2º Izq.
28008 Madrid - Tel: (+34) 91 576 10 01
- Fax:(+34) 91 577 77 63
- Rua Latino Coelho, nº 13-2º andar
1050-132 Lisboa ( Portugal) - Tel: (+351) 211 377 292
- Fax: (+351) 211 377 112
Buenos Aires
- Av. Eduardo Madero 1020, piso 5º
1106 Buenos Aires (Argentina) - Tel: (+54) 11 4516-1500
- Fax: (+5411) 4312-4058